Brattleboro Historical Society
Annual Meeting
Annual Talk
”The Extraordinary Mr. Estey: A Celebration”
Local author Dennis Waring, Manufacturing the Muse, will fill us in on what made Jacob Estey so extraordinary, the possibility of EOM and BHS under the same roof at the Estey Organ Complex and ”EsteyFest” 2024 is coming to Brattleboro! What is that all about?
BHS Research Room will be open so you can enjoy photos of Estey buildings, workers and family, numerous pieces of ephemera, books and even play an Estey organ! Volunteers will be happy to answer questions. Join us for refreshments and an enlightening, local history afternoon!

Presented by Dennis Waring, president of the Estey Organ Museum
Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 1 pm
230 Main Street Municipal Center, 3rd floor
Join Us
Brattleboro Historical Society was founded in 1982 as a non-profit organization by a group of local historians and civic leaders interested in Brattleboro’s past. The Society’s mission is the telling of Brattleboro's story. Join us!