This Week in Brattleboro History – August 5
This Week in Brattleboro History – July 16, 2015
This Week in Brattleboro History Podcast
Oral History: Bill Fleming, Vietnam Vet
Howard Coffin’s Memorial Day dinner remarks at the American Legion on 5.23.15
Sinless Stability: Religion as a Stabilizing force in the Oneida commune
Sinless Stability
BHS Press Conference, May 1, 2015
Brattleboro in the Vietnam War Era: An Oral History Project
The Brattleboro Historical Society is putting together an ORAL HISTORY of the Vietnam War Era and is seeking Brattleboro area people - veterans to anti-war activists to come forward to share experiences. If you have an interest in participating contact Bill Holiday...
American Denial, A Discussion of Race in the US.
Vermont PBS would like to hear from YOU.
This letter was shared with Community Council members of Vermont PBS, and has now been made open to the community by Bill Holiday of the Brattleboro Historical Society (and a member of the Community Council of VT-PBS). All questions about this notice may be direct to...