A Brattleboro Words Trail Site

Packer Corners:

Guilford, VT

A 1971 photo of Asa Elliot among farm animals near Packer Corners/Total Loss Farm in Guilford.

The Brattleboro area owes its reputation as a haven for alternative thinking and living in large part to the communes that thrived here through the 1960s and 70s such as Tree Frog Farm, Montague Farm, and Total Loss Farm, the community that gathered around a hilltop neighborhood in Guilford, Vermont, known then and still today as Packer Corners.

Take Packer Corners Road off scenic Weatherhead Hollow Road today and you’ll wind up, up, up a ragged dirt road into a cluster of farmhouses and quirky cabins cross-crossed by sculpture-lined forest lanes. This is the community of Packer Corners, a gathering place and home founded by writers, artists, and activists of the 60s counterculture that today remains a haven for the likeminded.

Site research in progress. Check back soon for more of the story.

On The Map

Packer Corners Road in Guilford, VT

Packer Corners Road

About the Research sites

The Brattleboro Words Project is working with the community to identify specific sites and themes significant to the study of words in Brattleboro and surrounding towns. Research Teams – classrooms/teachers, amateur historians, veterans, writers, artists and other community members — will produce audio segments and other work to be incorporated into audio walking, biking and driving tours tours.

Research Team Leader

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