Juneteenth Two years ago, on June 19th, 2022, three young people honored seventeen African American soldiers who represented Brattleboro during the Civil War. Making a Correction The town installed a corrective plaque next to the Civil War Soldier’s Monument on...
Brattleboro’s Libraries 1842 to Present 1842 Brattleboro Library Association Since 1842 Brattleboro readers have been privileged to borrow books: first, from its early Brattleboro Library Association and 40 years later, when the shareholders offered the books to...
Brattleboro Historical Society Annual Meeting 2023 Annual Talk ”The Extraordinary Mr. Estey: A Celebration” Local author Dennis Waring, Manufacturing the Muse, will fill us in on what made Jacob Estey so extraordinary, the possibility of EOM and BHS under...